

Testing with setup and teardown with async rust

I have recently started to follow Luca Palmieri's "Zero to production" book. Quite early on in the book is the section about testing. The tests being presented are integration tests where each tests gets its own database instance. However, The book does not go into deleting the testing databases. this is not a bad decision but it was still bothering me that some unused resources were not freed. So I decided to program a setup/teardown system and went down on a little journey.

The starting point

What we have to start with is something that looks like this :

async fn health_check_is_200() {
    let test_app = spawn_app().await;
    // Do some testing, using info provided by `test_app`
    // like the app address or the database connection

struct TestApp {
    pub app_address: String,
    pub db_pool: PgPool,
    pub db_name: String,
    pub db_address: String,

async fn spawn_app() -> TestApp {
    // Setup a listener on a random port and retrieve that port to build the full app address
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed to bind listener");
    let port = listener.local_addr().unwrap().port();
    let app_address = format!("{port}");
    // Retrieve a test configuration, the database name is randomized and is then 
    // used to create a new database. A full migration is executed to bring it up to date.
    let test_config = zero2prod::configuration::get_test_configuration()
        .expect("Failed to read configuration");
    let db_pool = configure_database(&test_config).await;

    // spawn the test app
    TestApp {
        db_address: test_config.database.address.clone()

As you can see, we are creating a database for our test, and we actually do so for each single test. But what you will not see is us cleaning up after ourselves. Ideally we would not have to write any code regarding this cleanup in any tests, it would be nicely abstracted away in some form. Let's work on that.

First idea : Implement Drop for TestApp

So we want to delete our test database when we are done with the TestApp, and what better moment do that than when we drop it ? I mean, when it gets dropped we are absolutely certain we are done with it, and it would also mean that we only write the cleanup code in a single location and our test would not have to manually call anything to do the cleanup. So here is the code I first came up with for the drop implementation :

impl Drop for TestApp {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // close the pool to allow us to delete the database

        // connect to the root database
        let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(&self.db_address)
            .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");

        // cleanup !
        conn.execute(format!(r#"DROP DATABASE "{}";"#, test_database_name).as_str())

Looks pretty good right ? Except... it does not work.

error[E0728]: `await` is only allowed inside `async` functions and blocks
  --> tests/common/
15 | /     fn drop(&mut self) {
16 | |         self.db_pool.close().await;
   | |                              ^^^^^ only allowed inside `async` functions and blocks
17 | |         let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(&self.db_address)
18 | |             .await
...  |
22 | |             .unwrap();
23 | |     }
   | |_____- this is not `async`

Drop is not async and we can't make it so because that would not satisfy the trait definition. but maybe there is something we can still try : using block_on. What I came up with looks like this :

impl Drop for TestApp {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // get a handle on the current runtime and block on running cleanup code
        Handle::current().block_on(async {
            let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(&self.db_address)
                .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");
            conn.execute(format!(r#"DROP DATABASE "{}";"#, self.db_name).as_str())

This compiles ! So let's just run it, and...

$ cargo test
   Compiling zero2prod v0.1.0 (/home/niconico/dev/rust/zero2prod)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.20s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/zero2prod-57d994dc11bdee2e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/zero2prod-2912ef6fce2a4714)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/ (target/debug/deps/health_check-1b3831da74fcd355)

running 1 test
test health_check_works ... FAILED


---- health_check_works stdout ----
thread 'health_check_works' panicked at tests/common/
Cannot start a runtime from within a runtime. This happens because a 
function (like `block_on`) attempted to block the current thread while the 
thread is being used to drive asynchronous tasks.
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Yeah, this does not work either. I am a bit foggy on the details here, async rust is kind of hard sometimes and it is one of those times, but here is what I think is happening. The message says we are trying to run blocking code on a thread used to run asynchronous tasks which is not allowed. It seems like it this is to prevent very easy deadlocks. I thought I could circumvent this issue by running my test in a multi thread runtime instead of the current thread, which is default when using tokio::test :

// instead of just #[tokio::test]
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn health_check_works() {
    let test_app = spawn_app().await;
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();

    let response = client
        .get(&format!("{}/health_check", test_app.app_address))
        .expect("Failed to execute request");

    assert_eq!(Some(0), response.content_length());

This was throwing the same error... After digging around a little bit I quickly found a draft story from the rust async working group which describe pretty much the exact same thing I ran into and it does seems like this is all about deadlocks. Also, it seems my instinct about using a multithreaded runtime was somewhat correct but the tokio team probably decided to still panic on block_on running on a worker thread to prevent inconsistent behaviour between single and multi thread runtime.

Anyway, seems like we are at a dead end here. So lets explore an other avenue : make a custom async test runner.

Second idea : custom async test runner

Until now we have been using the #[tokio::test] attribute to mark our test. This attribute desugars like this :

// this...
async fn my_test() {

// ...desugars into this
fn my_test() {
        .block_on(async {

So we could build our own test macro to run that behaves similarly, except it would run some more code before the test and would provide the test with some data (namely, the TestApp struct). but macros are very daunting, so lets put it off a little bit and just write a function for now. This would be easier and would also act as a proof of concept before we dump any extra amount of time into making a cool handy macro. Here is a first draft for our testing function :

pub fn run_test<T>(test: T) -> ()
    T: panic::UnwindSafe,
    T: FnOnce(TestApp) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static + Send>>,
    let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
            .block_on(async {
                // spawning an app now returns a tuple so we can move `test_app` into the test
                // function while keeping everything we need to later delete the database 
                let (test_app, test_database_name, db_conn_string) = spawn_app().await;
                let pool = test_app.db_pool.clone();

                // run some tests on the newly started app !

                drop_database(test_database_name, db_conn_string).await;

async fn drop_database(test_database_name: String, db_conn_string: String) {
    let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(&db_conn_string)
        .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");

    conn.execute(format!(r#"DROP DATABASE "{}";"#, test_database_name).as_str())

I chose to move the TestApp into the test for simplicity and flexibility regarding the test. So I had to make sure I kept all the info needed to later delete the database on hand, hence the tuple and the cloning of the connection pool. This was a bit finnicky to get to compile. In particular, I had to box the future returned by the FnOnce because of the dyn part, and we also need Pin because of async requirements.

Anyways, here is how we can now write our test (with a full example including usage of the database connection pool) :

// using #[test] instead of #[tokio::test] because we are creating a runtime ourselves
fn subscribe_returns_a_200_for_valid_form_data() {
    // using our test function !
    run_test(|test_app| {
        // we need our future to be in a pinned box 
        Box::pin(async move {
            let client = reqwest::Client::new();

            let body = "name=John%20Doe&";
            let response = client
                .post(&format!("{}/subscriptions", test_app.app_address))
                .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                .expect("Failed to execute request");

            assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);

            let saved = sqlx::query!("SELECT email, name FROM subscriptions")
                .expect("Failed to fetch saved subscription.");

            assert_eq!(, "");
            assert_eq!(, "John Doe");

This almost works but sometimes tests would fail with this message : database "newsletter-1faa4f82-d8ea-4665-9c01-058b90290ca0" is being accessed by other users. Seems like although we closed the pool some connection are being recorded by the database. I banged my head for quite some time on this issue. The solution I found was to run a sql query that would manually close the connection on the database in addition to everything else.

async fn drop_database(test_database_name: String, db_conn_string: String) {
    let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(&db_conn_string)
        .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");

    // the trick that makes everything works
            SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
            FROM pg_stat_activity
            WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '{}';

    conn.execute(format!(r#"DROP DATABASE "{}";"#, test_database_name).as_str())

And with that we are done ! Our test databases are being created and then deleted when the tests are done ! As a note, if something goes wrong during a test, then the database would not be delete. To me that is actually a very good thing because it will surely help debugging failing tests.

I said we were done, right ? Well, not quite. We can still improve the experience by providing a macro that would also take care of the box/pin stuff in addition to everything else.

Third (and final) idea : #[integration_test] macro

That would be so good, the idea is to make a macro that would allow writing this :

async fn subscribe_returns_a_200_for_valid_form_data(test_app: TestApp) {
    // test some stuff on the app

And later expands into this :

fn subscribe_returns_a_200_for_valid_form_data() {
    run_test(|test_app| {
        Box::pin(async move {
            // test some stuff on the app

Or at the very least somethine that looks like this. The thing is that there is something called macro hygiene which is a concept that can be summarized as "make sure your macros can be used in as many contexts as possible". In our case, this means that we have to use absolute path everywhere. so the actual macro expansion would be more like this :

fn subscribe_returns_a_200_for_valid_form_data() {
    ::zero2prod_core::testing::run_test(|test_app| {
        ::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move {
            // test some stuff on the app

When working on procedural macros three crates are pretty much ubiquitous :

  • proc-macro2 which is a wrapper around rust's proc_macro crate.
  • syn which is a parser for rust token stream into syntax tree.
  • quote which does the opposite of syn.

I took heavy inspiration from tokio's #[tokio::test] macro when writing my own integration test macro. I was able to simplify it to fit my use case. I can't show the whole code since it is a bit too large, but here is the most interesting snippet which shows how the output token stream is built :

fn parse_knobs(mut input: ItemFn) -> TokenStream {
    // alter the functions signature, it will be sync, without inputs and returns ()
    input.sig.asyncness = None;
    input.sig.output = ReturnType::Default;

    // the header is the standard test macro, except with absolute path
    let header = quote! {

    // pull the function body and surround it with our handy `run_test` function
    // also notice absolute path everywhere
    let body = input.body();
    let body = quote! {
        ::zero2prod_core::testing::run_test(|test_app: ::zero2prod_core::testing::TestApp| { 
            ::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move #body)

    // assemble all our token streams and return them
    input.into_tokens(header, body)

The whole code is available on my github !


rust async is cool but some corners are still pretty sharp. Macro are cool too, I really just dipped my little toe here but I am slightly more confident with them now and I think I am more likely to consider using them in the future when the opportunity presents itself.